Some of our products are described as MTO products. They can be easily identified by the green MTO label shown on the product pictures.
To order these products, a minimum order quantity by size is required (mixed colors are ok). The required quantity is shown in the product pictures and on the order form.
As we don’t keep stock for those designs, the quantities produced may be +/- 10%. As producing the exact amount is quite difficult, we reserve the freedom to update your order quantities accordingly.
Real Gold items can and will be delivered in exact ordered quantities.
With the Gold prices at an all time high, Platinum sells now for almost the same prices as white Gold.
As Platinum has the image of being higher priced than Gold, this could be a good opportunity to start selling Platinum Piercings.
Did you know?
Most of our real gold attachments are now using either Titanium or SS316L internal or Threadless insert pins.
You can see exactly what is used online in the material specs of each item.